Google Chrome extension, Concentrate, allows you to block out distractions

If you’re both a Google Chrome user and procrastinator, then this may be something you’ll find beneficial to your academic life.. or even every day life when you need to accomplish something (that involves the internet) and you’re getting distracted by various websites.

Concentrate,  falls under the productivity category on Google’s main web store page, and that’s exactly what it does; it forces you to be productive. If you’re unable to discipline yourself and avoid distracting websites, then let this Google extension do it for you.

User interface

On the Concentrate summary page, creator David G. Daniel writes, “Concentrate prevents you from getting distracted, while you’re trying to be productive. Add the sites that you are normally distracted by and set the timer. While the timer is running, the sites that you want to see will be blocked, allowing you to be more productive. When the timer runs out, you can get back to having fun!”

So back to the idea of using the extension properly, it is implied that you will abide to the idea that you’re unable to access the websites that you have chosen to block. But (for the sake of reviewing the extension) users are able to override the extension’s block with proxies (i.e. ihaspizza.net) or simply disabling Concentrate in the extensions menu.

But as the saying goes: work now, play later! Let’s hope Concentrate can help assist you with your disciplinary skills and allow for productivity in whatever work you may be doing.

You can download the extension here and view DavyDany’s step-by-step user guide here.